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Patent No 5794 - 26 May 1829

STURTEVANT, CHARLES TURNER .-" Certain improvements in the process of manufacturing soaps. These are, first, using pure caustic alkaline lees in the soap coppers instead of the lees now in use, thereby doing away with the residuum." Second, putting into the copper first a small portion of soap and water to form a saponaceous compound, and adding "a small quantity of tallow, or fat, or oil, as the case may be," and "as much caustic soda lees as will be taken up by these materials without separating," and "continue adding animal or vegetable matter as aforesaid, and caustic soda lees till the copper is full gradually increasing the fresh doses "as" the quantity of matter in the copper accumulates," stirring well.

Printed, 4d.' No Drawings. See Repertory of Arts, vol.9 (third series) p.85; London Journal (Newton's), vol.4 (second series), p. 337; Register of Arts and Sciences, vol. 4 (new series). p.163.]

Brown Windsor Soap

Richard Lawrence Sturtevant , one of Saunderson Turner Sturtevant's six children, became a Soap Maker, and in 1822 married a Hannah Matthews. He is reputed to have invented Brown Windsor Soap , though the present manufacturers cannot substantiate this. He was made bankrupt in 1844.

He published a patent regarding Soap manufacture:

Patent No 8870 - 8 March 1841

STURTEVANT, RICHARD LAWRENCE . - "Improvements in the manufacture of soap." These are:

First, "the making of hard soap at a single operation, without separation or removal of lees or precipitation of niger," in the following "manner" with the combination of materials." A certain quantity of cocoa-nut oil as imported, or deprived of its rancidity, as will be described, is put into the copper along with a certain quantity of olive or other sweet oil or tallow, and heat is applied in preference by steam, and a small quantity of soda lees are added, and from time to time more is added, until a certain quantity has been used, keeping the materials at the boiling point, and observing that they become "united before more lees are added." After boiling some time, a certain quantity of potash lees are added in the same way as the soda lees were, after which a certain amount of muriate of soda or potash is sprinkled over the surface, when the fire is withdrawn, and the soap is cleansed or framed in usual way. 'In commoner soaps, sometimes the potash lees are omitted.

Second, the use "of cocoa-nut oil as above.

Third,. depriving cocoa-nut oil of its rancid and unpleasant odour by boiling it and adding to it either sulphuric or muratic acid in certain proportions, and continue boiling until all odour is removed, or boil the oil alone in an iron pan sufficiently long.

Fourth, the use of potash lees as above.

Fifth, the use of muriate of soda and potash as above.

Sixth, "the ascertainment with greater facility and accuracy of the quantity and proportions of alkaline lees requisite to be used with the other ingredients," as applicable to each description of soap." "The manufacturer having once ascertained in the usual manner by taste and appearance the quantity of lees requisite for any particular charge of goods, he will have obtained a rule applicable to all future charges of such materials."

Seventh, the following "mode of making a fulling soap or soap for manufacturing purposes." A soap is made as above described, only no muriate of potash or soda is sprinkled over it; but there is added to it so much grained or curd soap, made on " the old system from tallow or decoloured palm oil," and the whole is boiled, cooled, cleansed, or framed.

[Printed 4d, No Drawings. See London Journal (Newton's), vol.20 (conjoined series), p.358: Mechanics Magazine, vol.35, p.252; Inventor's Advocate, vol.5, p.181]

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